We offer products for a holistic approach to inner and outer vitality.
Research results show that neither the immunological age nor the vitality age of a person has to be identical to their years of life. On the basis of these results, we have developed various products with the support of Prof. Kranz (a well-known neurologist). They strengthen physical and mental vitality and lead to a high quality of life, regardless of age. The topic of spermidine is on everyone's lips around the world.

Vita Young with spermidine
The main ingredients spermidine and coenzyme Q10, supplemented by zinc and vitamins B6 and B12, form the biological basis of the anti-aging concept. They support central metabolic pathways that play an important role in regeneration, cell division and energy metabolism. Spermidine strengthens autophagy, ie the self-cleaning of tissues.
Spermidine Bar
Bisherige Studien am Menschen und im Tiermodell weisen auf die besondere Rolle des Spermidins als Anti-Aging Substanz hin. Dabei zeigt sich, dass Stoffwechselvorgänge durch Spermidin auf folgende Weise Einfluss auf Organsysteme nehmen können: Entgegenwirken der altersbedingten Demenz, Schutz vor cardiovaskulären Erkrankungen, Verzögerung der Herzalterung, Senkung des Bluthochdrucks und Senkung des frühen Mortalitätsrisikos.

Regina Rain
A drink was developed for our brand that contains natural vitamins as an additional benefit compared to the competition. We also managed to keep the packaging plastic-free.
Children's happiness syrup
The first product in this series was a syrup, which was developed with particular attention to achieving a very good price-performance ratio. It contains essential vitamins and nutrients for a child's development.